I stumble so I am
Speaker: Maureen Sie
Interviewer: Steffan Widdershoven
Columnist: Joris van den Berg
Musician: Kymé Spauwen
Location: Filosofisch Café Nijmegen
Do I need to succeed? What does it really mean when you fail? What kind of person are you when you succeed? Don't we all just fumble around, and isn't that maybe just human? Or should we instead make sure we don't stumble, but just succeed, to be human? Are you actually messing around, or is it just me?
As part of the Month of Philosophy, we invite you to take up the theme "I fumble therefore I am" with Professor of Philosophy of Moral Action Maureen Sie, without falling to the level of the average self-help book. Maureen will outline her views on human action and how human action relates to the nature of human beings. She suspects that in the bumbling and the realisation that we don't really know exactly and are just messing around, the beginning of a very personal relationship with the world is revealed.
Maureen will be interviewed by Steffan Widdershoven. Steffan is a young philosopher, psychologist and editorial board member of the Philosophical Café. Joris van den Berg will read a column, from his thoughts on bumbling, and human action. Joris is a pioneer of Bildung Nijmegen and a philosopher, and interested in themes of wonder, fascination and bumbling. Kymé Spauwen will liven up the evening with beautiful music, and Roelants will once again provide a beautiful book table!
